As you may already know, I like to write and draw. This has been the case for many, many years. But recently my confidence in both has been growing and with it, enthusiasm. This is a blessing and also a curse, I think. On the one hand I'm powering through some of the best work I've ever done and constantly learning and improving. However, the downside is, is that I'm currently writing this blog post at 00:19 on a Thursday night. The thing is, I just enjoy working on my projects so much i forget the time completely.
At the time of writing this, I have been working for a few hours in Premier Pro editing my latest YouTube video 'Ant Mech Joy Ride'.
I started the picture on my iPad at 2am on the Sunday until around 4am. When I woke up again I moved the project over to Photoshop and began work from my Huion Kamvas RDS 220 drawing tablet; my new drawing toy which I absolutely love to death!
This has become a bit of a habit now. I'll go to bed at 10pm, watch something on my iPhone until midnight. Sleep until 2 or 3am, then draw until 4 or 6am. It's as brutal as it sounds and yes, I am tired during the day 😂 but my body clock is bonkers. Anyway, the video is up and ready to view on YouTube. I'll try to do a voice over soon, but I need to test my mic 🎤
Thanks for reading and have a fantastic day!